NANDA Nursing Diagnosis List 2012 – 2014

 NANDA Nursing Diagnosis List 2012 – 2014
Here is the NANDA Nursing Diagnosis List 2012 – 2014 (Domain 1)

Domain 1 – Health Promotion

Deficient diversional activity

Sedentary lifestyle

Deficient community health

What Is a Nursing Diagnosis?

What is a nursing diagnosis? Here is a brief history about rising the term of nursing diagnosis.

The term nursing diagnosis came into formal use in the nursing literature during the 1950s (Fry, 1953), although its meaning continued to be seen in the context of medical diagnosis.

In 1973, a national conference was held to identify client needs that fall within the scope of nursing, label them, and develop a classification system that could be used by nurses throughout the world.