Nursing Diagnosis for Breastfeeding

Nursing diagnosis for Breastfeeding; Effective Breastfeeding| Definition of Effective Breastfeeding; Defining Characteristics of Effective Breastfeeding; Related Factors of Effective Breastfeeding .

Definition of Effective Breastfeeding

Mother-infant dyad/family exhibits adequate proficiency and satisfaction with breastfeeding process.

Defining Characteristics of Effective Breastfeeding

  • Ability to promote successful latching on through correct positioning (mother)

  • Adequate elimination pattern for age (infant)

  • Appropriate weight pattern for age (infant)

  • Eagerness to nurse (infant)

  • Effective communication pattern (mother and infant)

  • Evidence of contentment after feeding

  • Expressed satisfaction with breastfeeding (infant)

  • Regular and sustained sucking and swallowing at breast (infant)

  • Signs and symptoms of oxytocin release (mother)

Related Factors of Effective Breastfeeding

  • Effective Breastfeeding

  • Basic breastfeeding knowledge

  • Infant gestational age >34 weeks

  • Normal breast structure

  • Support source

Nursing Diagnosis for Effective Breastfeeding | Assessment

Nursing Diagnosis for Effective Breastfeeding | Assessment Focus of Effective Breastfeeding; Expected Outcomes of Effective Breastfeeding; Suggested NOC Outcomes of Effective Breastfeeding

Assessment Focus of Effective Breastfeeding

  • Coping

  • Growth and development

  • Knowledge

  • Nutrition

  • Values and beliefs

Expected Outcomes of Effective Breastfeeding

The mother will

  • Breast-feed infant successfully and will experience satisfaction with breastfeeding process.

  • Continue breastfeeding infant after early postpartum period.

The infant will

  • Feed successfully on both breasts and appear satisfied.

  • Grow and develop in pace with accepted standards.

Suggested NOC Outcomes of Effective Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Establishment: Infant; Breastfeeding Establishment: Maternal; Breastfeeding Maintenance; Breastfeeding: Weaning; Hydration; Knowledge: Breastfeeding

Nursing Diagnosis for Effective Breastfeeding | Nursing Interventions of Effective Breastfeeding

Nursing Diagnosis for Effective Breastfeeding | Nursing Interventions of Effective Breastfeeding and Rationales

Nursing Interventions of Effective Breastfeeding and Rationales

  • Assess mother’s knowledge and experience with breastfeeding to focus teaching on specific learning needs.

  • Assess mother’s attitudes and beliefs about breastfeeding to help plan for interventions.

  • Monitor height and weight of infant to ensure infant meets the standards for breastfeeding.

  • Weigh and measure the infant. Provide a quiet and private environment to enhance the development of breastfeeding skills.

  • Educate mother and selected support person about breastfeeding techniques to improve chance of success. Have the mother perform return demonstration of techniques as appropriate:

  • Clean hands and breasts before nursing.

  • Position infant for feeding (infant should be able to grasp most of the areola).

  • Change positions to decrease nipple tenderness and use both breasts at each feeding.

  • Remove infant from the breast by breaking suction; avoid setting time limits in the early stage.

  • After breastfeeding, place clean pads on breasts.

  • Teach mother how to use warm showers and compresses, relaxation and guided imagery, infant suckling, holding the infant close to the breasts, and listening to the infant cry in order to stimulate letdown.

  • Teach mother about nutritional needs including an extra 500 calories and two additional 8-oz glasses of fluid per day to maintain adequate milk supply and to limit caffeine and food that causes discomfort.

  • Teach caregivers to assist patient with self-care activities in a way that maximizes patient’s potential. This enables caregivers to participate in patient’s care and encourages them to support patient’s independence.

  • Teach mother what to expect from a breastfeeding infant to prepare her for breastfeeding at home. The infant should pass from 1 to 6 stools and wet 6–8 diapers per day. Stools should be soft to liquid and nonodorous. Infant should feed every 2–3 hr or as needed and appear content. Explain that the infant also needs nonnutritive sucking.

  • Getting an upset neonate to breast-feed can be extremely difficult.

  • Encourage mother to express concerns about breastfeeding to reduce anxiety. Assist the mother and family in planning for home care. The mother needs to rest when the infant sleeps, practice self-care, learn techniques for expressing and storing breast milk, and recognize signs of engorgement and infection. A mother who stops breastfeeding when she returns home and resumes work usually does so because of fatigue.

  • Refer patient to support group for breastfeeding mothers to help meet emotional and learning needs.

Suggested NIC Interventions of Effective Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Assistance; Family Support; Lactation Counseling; Nutritional Management; Parent Education: Infant.

Nursing Diagnosis for Effective Breastfeeding; Assessment of Effective Breast Feeding; Nursing Interventions of Effective Breastfeeding and Rationales.