Nursing Care Plan for Knowledge Deficit

Nursing Care Plan for Knowledge Deficit: Nursing Diagnosis for Knowledge Deficit | Definition of Knowledge Deficit; Defining Characteristics of Knowledge Deficit; Related Factors of Knowledge Deficit;

Nursing Diagnosis: Knowledge Deficit
Definition of Knowledge Deficit

  • Absence or deficiency of cognitive information related to a specific topic

Defining Characteristics of Knowledge Deficit

  • Inability to follow through with directions

  • Inability to perform well on a test

  • Inappropriate or exaggerated behaviors (hysteria, hostility, agitation, apathy)

  • Verbalization of the problem

  • Deficient Knowledge (Specify)

Related Factors of Knowledge Deficit

  • Cognitive limitation

  • Information misinterpretation

  • Lack of exposure

  • Lack of interest in learning

  • Lack of recall

  • Unfamiliarity with information resources

Assessment Focus | Nursing Care Plan for Knowledge Deficit

Nursing Diagnosis for Knowledge Deficit | Assessment Focus of Knowledge Deficit; Expected Outcomes; Suggested NOC Outcomes;

Assessment Focus of Knowledge Deficit (Refer To Comprehensive Assessment Parameters.)

Expected Outcomes | Nursing Care Plan for Knowledge Deficit

The patient will

  • Communicate desire to understand disease state and need for treatment.

  • Demonstrate ability to perform new health-related procedures.

  • Set realistic learning goals within target dates.

  • State intention to make needed modifications in lifestyle.

Suggested NOC Outcomes | Nursing Diagnosis for Knowledge Deficit

Cognition; Concentration; Information Processing; Knowledge: Disease Process; Knowledge; Health Behaviors; Knowledge: Health Resources; Knowledge: Illness Care; Stress Level

Interventions of Knowledge Deficit | Nursing Care Plan for Knowledge Deficit

Nursing Diagnosis for Knowledge Deficit |Interventions of Knowledge Deficit; Suggested NIC Interventions

Nursing Interventions of Knowledge Deficit and Rationales

  • Determine level of knowledge and skills patient already possesses about his or her health status; motivation to understand what is needed to improve health status; obstacles to learning; support systems; usual coping patterns; beliefs about health and treatment of disease; ethnicity; financial resources. Assessment information will assist in identifying appropriate interventions.

  • Establish an environment of mutual trust and respect to enhance learning. Consistency between action and words, combined with the patient’s self-awareness ability to share this awareness with others, and receptiveness to new experiences form the basis of a trusting relationship.

  • Develop with patient specific learning goals with target dates. Involving patient in planning meaningful goals encourages compliance.

  • Select teaching strategies that will enhance teaching/learning effectiveness, such as discussion, demonstration, role-playing, and visual materials. Provide all the equipment needed for the patient to learn. This reduces frustration, aids learning, and minimizes dependence by promoting self-care.

  • Teach those skills that the patient must incorporate into daily living. Have patient do return demonstration of each skill to aid in gaining confidence.

  • When teaching, go slowly and repeat frequently. Offer small amounts of information and present it in various ways. By building cognition, patient will be better able to complete self-care measures. Include family members. Demonstrate to family members how each self-care measure is broken down into simple tasks to enhance patient’s success and foster a sense of control.

  • Encourage family members to participate in and have patience toward learning process (patient may need to repeat new skills multiple times) to help create a therapeutic environment after discharge.

  • Have patient incorporate learned skills into care while still in the hospital. This allows practice and time for feedback.

  • Provide patient and/or family with names and telephone numbers of resource people or community agencies so that care is continuous and follow-up is possible after discharge.

  • If financial hardship interferes with the ability of the family to provide equipment and supplies, offer a referral to a social worker to improve the family’s access to financial assistance.

Suggested NIC Interventions | Nursing Care Plan for Knowledge Deficit

Behavior Management; Behavior Modification; Decision-Making Support; Energy Management; Family Support; Financial Resource Assistance; Health Education; Healthcare Information Exchange: Risk Identification; Learning Facilitation; Support System Enhancement; Teaching Procedure/Treatment

This is a sample of nursing care plan for knowledge deficit.