Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy

Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy | Cholecystectomy Overview;


Cholecystectomy is a surgery to remove the gallbladder.

Cholecystectomy is performed most frequently through laparoscopic incisions using laser. However, traditional open cholecystectomy is the treatment of choice for many patients with multiple/large gallstones either because of acute symptomatology or to prevent recurrence of stones.

Care Setting

This procedure is usually done on a short-stay basis; however, in the presence of suspected complications, e.g., empyema, gangrene, or perforation, an inpatient stay on a surgical unit is indicated.

Related Concerns

  • Cholecystitis with cholelithiasis

  • Pancreatitis

  • Peritonitis

  • Psychosocial aspects of care

  • Surgical intervention

Here is an example of a nursing care plan for Cholecystectomy.

Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy | Nursing Priorities; Discharge Goals

Nursing Priorities | Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy

  1. Promote respiratory function.

  2. Prevent complications.

  3. Provide information about disease, procedure(s), prognosis, and treatment needs.

Discharge Goals| Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy

  1. Ventilation/oxygenation adequate for individual needs.

  2. Complications prevented/minimized.

  3. Disease process, surgical procedure, prognosis, and therapeutic regimen understood.

  4. Plan in place to meet needs after discharge.

Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy | Nursing Diagnosis for Cholecystectomy

Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy | Nursing Diagnosis for Cholecystectomy; Desired Outcomes

Nursing Diagnosis for Cholecystectomy: Breathing Pattern, ineffective

May be related to

  • Pain

  • Muscular impairment

  • Decreased energy/fatigue

Possibly evidenced by

  • Tachypnea; respiratory depth changes, reduced vital capacity

  • Holding breath; reluctance to cough

Desired Outcomes/Evaluation Criteria | Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy

Patient Will:

Respiratory Status: Ventilation (NOC)

  • Establish effective breathing pattern.

  • Experience no signs of respiratory compromise/complications.

Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy | Nursing Interventions for Cholecystectomy

Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy | Nursing Interventions for Cholecystectomy and Rationale;

Nursing Interventions for Cholecystectomy and Rationale

Respiratory Monitoring (NIC)

Nursing Interventions for Cholecystectomy (Independent) | Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy

  • Observe respiratory rate/depth. Rationale: Shallow breathing, splinting with respirations, holding breath may result in hypoventilation/atelectasis.

  • Auscultate breath sounds. Rationale: Areas of decreased/absent breath sounds suggest atelectasis, whereas adventitious sounds (wheezes, rhonchi) reflect congestion.

  • Assist patient to turn, cough, and deep breathe periodically. Show patient how to splint incision. Instruct in effective breathing techniques. Rationale: Promotes ventilation of all lung segments and mobilization and expectoration of secretions.

  • Elevate head of bed, maintain low-Fowler’s position. Support abdomen when coughing, ambulating. Rationale: Facilitates lung expansion. Splinting provides incisional support/decreases muscle tension to promote cooperation with therapeutic regimen.

Nursing Interventions for Cholecystectomy (Collaborative) | Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy

  • Assist with respiratory treatments, e.g., incentive spirometer. Rationale: Maximizes expansion of lungs to prevent/resolve atelectasis.

  • Administer analgesics before breathing treatments/ therapeutic activities. Rationale: Facilitates more effective coughing, deep breathing, and activity.

This is a sample of Nursing Care Plan for Cholecystectomy.