Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping

Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping | Definition of Ineffective Coping; Defining Characteristics of Ineffective Coping; Related Factors of Ineffective Coping;

Definition of Ineffective Coping

  • Inability to form a valid appraisal of the stressors, inadequate choices of practiced responses, and/or inability to use available resources

Defining Characteristics of Ineffective Coping

  • Change in communication patterns

  • Decreased use of social support

  • Destructive behavior toward self or others

  • Difficulty asking for help

  • Fatigue

  • High illness rate

  • Inability to meet basic needs and role expectations

  • Statements indicating inability to cope

Related Factors of Ineffective Coping

  • High degree of threat

  • Inability to conserve adaptive energies

  • Inadequate resources available

Assessment Focus | Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping

Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping | Assessment Focus; Expected Outcomes; Suggested NOC Outcomes

Assessment Focus of Ineffective Coping (Refer To Comprehensive Assessment Parameters.)

  • Behavior

  • Communication

  • Coping

Expected Outcomes | Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping

The patient will

  • Verbalize increased ability to cope.

  • Expand support network to meet social and emotional needs.

  • Locate and use appropriate resources for help in problem solving.

  • Report increased ability to meet demands of daily living.

  • Make changes to environment to ensure enhanced coping or move into long-term care facility, as needed.

Suggested NOC Outcomes | Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping

Coping; Decision Making; Impulse Self-Control; Information Processing; Social Interaction Skills

Nursing Interventions of Ineffective Coping | Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping

Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping | Nursing Interventions of Ineffective Coping and Rationales; Suggested NIC Interventions

Nursing Interventions of Ineffective Coping and Rationale

  • Monitor physiological responses to increased activity level, including respirations, heart rate and rhythm, and blood pressure. Vital signs are likely to change as the patient deals with the frustration from poor coping strategies. Assess understanding of the current health problem and desire to participate in treatment.

  • Listen to the patient. Respond in a matter-of-fact, nonjudgmental manner. Judgmental responses will impede the development of a trusting relationship. Practice guided imagery and deep breathing with the patient to help the patient relax.

  • Provide patient with information about relaxation techniques. These techniques take practice. Information will help the patient understand the benefit.

  • Teach patient about her disease process and explain treatments to allay fear and allow the patient to regain sense of control.

  • Teach positive coping strategies and have patient role-play them and give praise for successful modeling. This will help to reinforce coping behaviors.

  • Assist patient to develop short- and long-term goals to encourage better coping and a roadmap to measure progress.

  • Provide emotional support and encouragement to help improve patient’s negative self-concept and motivate the patient to perform ADLs. Involve patient in planning and decision making. Having the ability to participate will encourage greater compliance with treatment plan. Encourage patient to engage in social activities with people of all age groups. Participation once a week will help relieve the patient’s sense of isolation.

  • Refer patient for professional psychological counseling. Formal counseling helps ease the nurse’s frustration, increases objectivity, and fosters collaborative approach to patient’s care.

  • Before discharge, refer patient to case manager who can help patient become involved in informal community programs, such as volunteer, foster grandparents, or religious groups, to provide peer and social contact and decrease the patient’s loneliness and isolation. Refer patient to a support group. In the context of a group, the patient may develop a more positive view in the present situation.

Suggested NIC Interventions | Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping

Coping Enhancement; Decision-Making Support; Emotional Support; Environmental Management; Impulse Control Training; Support System Enhancement

This is a sample of Nursing Diagnosis for Ineffective Coping.