Nursing Care Plan for Risk for Injury

Nursing Care Plan for Risk for Injury: Nursing Diagnosis for Risk for Injury | Definition of Risk for Injury; Defining Characteristics of Risk for Injury; Related Factors of Risk for Injury;

Definition of Risk for Injury

At risk for injury as a result of environmental conditions interacting with the individual’s adaptive and defensive resources.

Risk Factors of Risk for Injury


  • Biological: Community immunization level; microorganisms

  • Chemical: Cosmetics; drugs, pharmaceutical agents; dyes; alcohol, nicotine, preservatives; poisons

  • Human: Nosocomial agents; staffing patterns; cognitive, affective, psychomotor factors

  • Nutritional: Food types, vitamins

  • Physical: Design, structure, and arrangement of community, building, and/or equipment

  • Mode of transport


Assessment Focus | Nursing Care Plan for Risk for Injury

Nursing Care Plan for Risk for Injury | Assessment Focus; Expected Outcomes; Suggested NOC Outcomes

Assessment Focus of Risk for Injury (Refer To Comprehensive Assessment Parameters.)

  • Behavior

  • Emotional

  • Knowledge

  • Risk management

Expected Outcomes | Nursing Diagnosis for Risk for Injury

The patient will

  • Acknowledge presence of environmental hazards in their everyday surroundings.

  • Take safety precautions in and out of home.

  • Instruct children in safety habits.

  • Childproof house to ensure safety of young children and cognitively impaired adults.

Suggested NOC Outcomes | Nursing Diagnosis for Risk for Injury

Immune Status; Risk Control; Safety Behavior: Home Physical Environment; Safety Behavior: Personal; Safety Status: Falls Occurrence; Safety Status: Physical Injury


Nursing Interventions Risk for Injury | Nursing Care Plan for Risk for Injury

Nursing Diagnosis for Risk for Injury | Nursing Interventions of Risk for Injury and Rationales; Suggested NIC Interventions

Nursing Interventions of Risk for Injury and Rationales

  • Help patient identify situations and hazards that can cause accidents to increase patient’s awareness of potential dangers.

  • Arrange environment of patient with dementia to minimize risk of injury:
–        Place furniture against walls.

–        Avoid use of throw rugs.

  • Maintain lighting so that patient can find her way around room and to bathroom. Poor lighting is a major cause of falls.

  • Prevent iatrogenic harm to hospitalized patient by following the 2007 National Patient Safety goals. This resource provides comprehensive measures designed to prevent harm.

  • Follow agency policy regarding the use of restraints—they are generally used as a last resort after other measures have failed. Agency policies will provide clear direction to use restraints safely.

  • Encourage adult patient to discuss safety rules with children to foster household safety. For example:

–        Don’t play with matches.

–        Use electrical equipment carefully.

–        Know location of the fire escape route.

–        Don’t speak to strangers.

–        Dial 911 in an emergency.

  • Encourage patient to make repairs and remove potential safety hazards from environment to decrease possibility of injury.

Refer patient to appropriate community resources for more information about identifying and removing safety hazards. This enables patient and family to alter environment to achieve optimal safety level.

Suggested NIC Interventions | Nursing Diagnosis for Risk for Injury

Environmental Management: Safety; Fall Prevention; Health Education; Parent Education: Adolescent; Parent Education: Childrearing Family; Risk Identification; Surveillance: Safety

This is a sample of Nursing Care Plan for Risk for Injury.